To Dine For With Kate Sullivan.

To Dine For With Kate Sullivan

Howard Schultz, CEO, Starbucks

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz discusses his company, lessons he's learned and his mission for the future at the Middle Eastern restaurant Mamnoon in Seattle. (30 minutes)

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Thu, 4/25 at 5:00 am on Austin PBS Create

Gary Vaynerchuk. Entrepreneur. Location: Manhattan

VaynerX CEO Gary Vaynerchuk, founder of Resy and Empathy Wines, reflects on his hard-earned lessons of success. (30 minutes)

Thu, 5/2 at 5:00 am on Austin PBS Create

Arlan Hamilton. Venture Capitalist. Author. Location: Los Angeles, CA.

Arlan Hamilton, CEO and founder of Backstage Capital, discusses her unique story and vision to fund "underestimated founders." (30 minutes)